You are here : Administrator Tools > Admin Masters > Year End Processing Year End Processing
Specify how the Document Serial Numbers should be generated in the New Year.
Want to continue current Document Serial Numbers as it is?
Select one of the following options -
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, the system will not update document numbers and existing numbering will continue in the new Financial Year.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, the system will update last Document Serial Number as ZERO for New Year in Document Serial Number so that fresh sequence can be started for New Year.
Specify how the Year End Processing should effect Finance by selecting one of the below options -
FAS Year End with Masters only
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, all masters belonging to Finance will remain same with the New Year. System will update Opening Amount as ZERO for New Year and also allow user to enter new Opening Balance in Account Master Entry option of Finance Module.
FAS Year End with Transactions
Please note that this option get enabled only if Year End with Transactions option is chosen.
Please note that before Year End Processing can be done with Transactions, it is mandatory to authorize Bank, Cash, Inter Unit and On-behalf vouchers.
The user is required to furnish further information as follows -
Close the year for Inventory and keep the year open for All Financial Transaction for this year and new year both
Turn this flag 'On' by clicking on it. As a result, the system will allow to enter Miscellaneous Transactions, Journal Vouchers, Bill Passing, Credit Notes and Debit Notes for previous year even after the year end and will update balances for respective year at the time of authorization.
Transfer Accounts WITH Opening Balances (Liability/Asset)
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, the system will carry forward Closing Balance Value of Accounts in New Year as an Opening Balance.
Transfer Accounts WITHOUT Opening Balances (Liability/Asset)
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, the system will update Opening Amount as ZERO for New Year and also allow user to enter new Opening Balance in Account Master Entry option of Finance Module.
Do you want to keep GRNs, which are pending for Bill Passing as it is. Select Yes to keep them pending. Select No to close
Specify whether GRNs that are pending for Bill Passing should be available for Bill Passing in the next year or not.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, GRNs pending for Bill passing will be available in next year for Bill Passing.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result GRNs pending for Bill passing will NOT be available in next year for Bill Passing.
Do you want to keep Service PO, which are pending for Bill Passing as it is. Select Yes to keep them pending. Select No
Specify whether Service Purchase Orders that are pending for Bill Passing should be available for Bill Passing in the next year or not.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, Service Purchase Orders that are pending for Bill passing will be available in next year for Bill Passing.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, Service Purchase Orders that are pending for Bill passing will NOT be available in next year for Bill Passing.
Do you want to keep Pending Remittance Entries for further adjustments in New Financial Year?
Specify whether pending Bill wise break-up remittance should be available for the next year or not.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, pending Bill wise break-up for remittance will be available in next year for remittance.
Select this option by clicking on it. As a result, pending Bill wise break-up for remittance will not available in next year for remittance. Instead, User can enter data separately thorough functions available in IMMS (Debtor/Creditors Opening Balance Remittance) for New Year.